Journey of a new website: content
In this step, it is of upmost importance to think about your visitors. What information do they want to find, how to find it easily and how to contact you or convert. Finding right information easily and in few clicks is also really important. Hint: search field.

The Content of your new website will greatly rely upon previous step: design. This means that while planning on your design, you need to be aware of the content. These two are inseparable and should always go together. We have come across multiple examples of great design with “Lorem ipsum” text that looks great. However, when you add real content, the design doesn’t look that good anymore. This is mainly due to the fact that some text is shorter in design and longer when real content comes in. And vice versa.
Images are also big part of the content, and not the design. One image in design can tell one story, whereas different, real content image, can tell completely different story. That is another great example and imperative why design should go along with content, not separately.
You should think about segmenting and separating your content in several different ways if your website has lots of content. For example: your new website needs to provide crucial information about some complex regulative. You are facing lots and lots of textual pages, different regulative for different segments. Piling these texts one after another is not going to help anyone. Therefore, you might want to provide your users with few simple steps where they can filter out the information they don’t need. Simple 1-2-3 steps that will lead them in the right way. Again, search field is your friend. This is great example how design needs to go along the way with content.